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Bushfire in Forster today, check you have insurance.

Updated: Mar 15, 2021

Bushfire embers make sure you have insurance
Bushfire embers can travel long distances.

Today I woke up to find bush fire embers all over the deck of my house in Forster, they were on the driveway and no doubt they were on the roof. They certainty can travel a long way. I looked around and could see the fire burning in the distance several kilometres away out towards Green Point.

Really this was my first experience of so many embers being on my house. I only imagined what it would be like if the fire was closer and they had been still alight. It was a concern, if it had happened overnight, I thought about how it would have been to wake in the night to live embers and our house on fire.

I checked the Rural Fire Service site to find out more about the fire. Although I felt confident my home was safe, I also had the knowledge that I have a high quality home and contents insurance policy which gave me a sense of security.

So, check you have a home and contents policy and it’s up to date and in force. I pay mine by monthly instalments to spread out the cost of the insurance premium. We have a wide range of insurers we use, not just one company. Ask us how we can help you find the insurance that suits your needs.

Call us today on 02 6555 5022 for a free insurance quote on your Home & Contents or Holiday Home to make sure its protected from bushfires, alternatively get a home insurance quote here or send us your details for a Landlords insurance quote by completing our online Landlords Holiday quote form here.

Any questions do not hesitat to ask.



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